Lahore School Debates 2010
The flagship parliamentary debating competition of the Lahore School of Economics Association of Debaters, the Lahore School Debate, shall be held at the Lahore School of Economics from the 5th to the 8th of February 2010.
The Lahore School Debate shall be following the All-Asian Parliamentary Style of Debates, which employs the 3-on-3 debating format, with reply speeches.
The Lahore School Debate shall consist of six preliminary rounds (2 closed and one custom free-speech), followed by the knockout stages of the quarterfinals (8 breaks), semi-finals (4 breaks) and the grand final (2 breaks)
Schedule 5th February 2010:-
09:00 am Departure from city campus/hotel to Burki Campus
10:00 am Registeration
11:00 am Prelim Round 1 Motions Anouncement
11:30 am Prelim Round 1 Commences
01:15 pm Debate Ends
03:00 pm Prelim Round 2 Motions Anouncement
03:30 pm Prelim Round 2 Commences
05:15 pm Debate Ends
06:00 pm Social - Lahore School Debate Official Dinner
History of LSEAD
LSEAD is a platform for those who possess the talent of expressing themselves confidently in front of a gathering. Debating has always been considered as an art which is really special. But now days it has become a specialized field with various types. Parliamentary style, declamation style and model united nations (MUN) are the major types of debating events which take place at the domestic as well as at the national and international level. LSEAD is extremely rich in talent and it always encourage its members to represent Lahore School not only in the domestic debating circuit but before the international debating fraternity as well.
LSEAD Council 2009-2010
President: Shahram Niazi
Vice President: Fatima Rizwi
Vice President MUN: Aitzaz Rehman Sheikh
General Secretary: Ali Akbar
Information Secretary: Affaan Sherwani
JS-MUN: Umair Mehmood
JS-Debates: Sharaiz Chishti
JS-Declamations: Yasir Rizwan
JS-Urdu: Usman Laghari
Do’s and Dont’s for the Debates
1. Toilet paper on the bottom of your shoe is the ultimate don't.
2. Don't adjust your underwear in public. Someone will see you.
3. The white crocheted granny shawl: just say no.
4. If you’re a guy and you’re not Chuck Bass, do not wear purple.
5. Do not, under any circumstances, quote Gossip Girl unless you’re in the Media Team.
6. Sarcasm is funny, when used in the right situation. Don’t go crazy and start being sarcastic about every remark you hear unless you want to end up toothless.
7. Don’t graze your mighty derrière in the middle of a debate.
8. Don’t hit on your room president; desperation is so unattractive.
9. Do NOT feed the peacocks. Seriously, don’t.
10. Don’t forget to tip your time keepers.
1. Please enunciate.
2. In case you were wondering, ogling is acceptable.
3. Even if your time keeper is unappealing, do keep looking at those placards.
4. Remember to smile at your judges throughout the debate. You never know you might just get a phone number out of it.
5. If you’re fat, wear black.
6. Leftovers are absolutely allowed.
7. We know you look nice in red but do tone it down.
8. Study your opponent. You can exploit their weaknesses by turning them on.
9. Stay calm. Aggression will not win you any points.
10. Remember to greet your judge. (‘Good morning and totally hot for you, Sir’ definitely counts)
Recent Events
The Lahore School of Economics Association of Debaters represented the Lahore School at the National Law School of India Model United Nations in Bangalore, India. The conference saw the top Model UN teams from across India to compete for the coveted prizes of the best Delegate (outstanding diplomacy award) and the Best Chair Award. The team comprised of the President of the Lahore School Association of Debaters Shahram Niazi (BSC 4), Hassan Ghani (BSC 2), Owaise Rana (BBA 3) and Abu Bakr Hayyat (BBA 3). The Model United Nations conference was held from December 3rd to 5th at the NLS Campus in Bangalore. Shahram Niazi chaired the Joint Crisis Committee, the Iranian National Cabinet, while Hassan Ghani, Owaise Rana and Abu Bakr Hayyat spoke in the U.S crisis cabinet and the General Assembly as delegates.

Shahram Niazi was awarded the best chair award for the conference and Hassan Ghani won the Best Delegate Award for his outstanding performance in the United States Crisis Cabinet. Owaise Rana and Abu Bakr hayyat were awarded honorable mentions for their performances in the General Assembly.
Pictures of the day
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